Picking / Packing

Order picking and shipping preparation.


About Picking / Packing

Picking and packing are crucial steps in the logistics and fulfilment process. Here, the ordered products are collected and prepared for shipment to the customer.

Sales order receiving

We receive sales orders through our Manhattan SCALE WMS interface. All relevant information is then converted into picking and packing instructions.

Order picking

The pick instruction appears on the warehouse employee’s scanner as an item and location indication. We use the highly efficient pick-to-carton process, meaning that the shipping carton is selected before the order picking process based on the dimensions and weights of the items. After picking, padding material is added and the box is closed.

As the items are collected directly in the shipping box, the packaging step is eliminated. This reduces the use of warehouse staff, significantly reducing your operational costs.

Order shipment

The packed boxes are taken to the loading dock where they are sorted by carrier and prepared for transport. At the end of the day, the carriers collect their shipments. We take your preferred carrier into account. Cut-off times can be discussed.

Experience Efficiency and Precision

Fenix Outdoor Logistics offers a comprehensive and professional picking and packing service that can help companies streamline their logistics operations and improve customer experience. With a team of experienced pickers and packers, state-of-the-art technology and strict quality control procedures, Fenix Outdoor Logistics ensures that your orders are picked and packed quickly, accurately and efficiently.

Key features


We are equipped for the specific requirements of outdoor apparel in terms of transport, storage and planning.


We aim to greatly reduce unnecessary transport movements and environmentally harmful packaging.


Our warehouses are dry, secure and stocks are checked daily.


By paying attention to people and well-being, we lay the foundation for a pleasant working atmosphere, which has a positive impact on the quality of our work.


We can also put our knowledge and experience to work for you. Fenix is happy to help your organisation take care of all logistics services.

Frequently Asked Questions

This can be retrieved using the PowerBI tool.

Fenix can take care of this.

These can be delivered earlier by mutual agreement.

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