Customs Documentation

Documentation for import, transit and export.


Customs Documentation

If you are going to import from or export to a country outside the European Union (EU), you need to declare the goods to customs. This requires many different customs documents, such as import, export and transit documents. Which documents and certificates are necessary depends on the country of destination and origin, as well as the type of product. Therefore, getting a complete set of the correct customs documents can be very time-consuming and complicated. We provide all services related to customs documentation.


Imports from a non-European country to an EU member state require customs clearance at the border or at the importer’s arrival location. This requires the importer or his customs broker to make an import declaration and submit it to customs authorities to pay any import duties, VAT and other charges. Only then the goods can be released for free circulation in the EU.


Exports from the EU to a non-EU country normally require an EX-A document. For EFTA countries and other countries for which the EU has concluded an agreement establishing the “common transit procedure”, an EU-A is issued. Customs authorities use these documents to process and approve the consignment. It is also used to prove that the goods have left the EU, which in turn is important for VAT purposes. (Application 0% regulation).

Within the EU, there is free trade of goods. As a result, there are no customs formalities. For export within the EU, you do not need export documents. Documents such as an invoice, packing list and transport document are usually sufficient.


Shipping non-Union customs goods –goods that have not been cleared/imported– within the European Union requires a T1 document. This customs procedure is called external transit, where taxes (such as import duties and VAT) do not have to be paid immediately after the goods enter the EU.

When goods of EU-origin or goods imported into the EU are transported within the EU but via a non-EU country, a T2 document is needed. This applies, for example, to transports to Ireland via the UK or to Italy via Switzerland. This customs procedure is called internal transit.

A T2 document must also be drawn up when goods of EU origin or goods imported into the EU are transported to a non-EU country that is not a member of the European Union. If the EU has an agreement with these countries –Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (the EFTA countries) and Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, North Macedonia and the United Kingdom– then common transit can be applied.

Key Features

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Education and training ensure up-to-date skills and knowledge.

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The years of experience of our consultants guarantee logistical balance.

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Fenix invests in people, modern technology and resources. This enables us to meet all logistics challenges.

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Fenix has over 17,000 m2 of safe storage space at key locations in the Netherlands.

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In addition to providing transport, storage and distribution, Fenix also provides Value Added Services on request.

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Our employees are experienced in various logistics processes.


We have all the expertise in-house to guide you through the customs process. 

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