Sales and Operations Planning

This is the hub of all aspects in the logistics chain.


What does Sales and Operations Planning entail?

Sales and Operations Planning (or S&OP) is an integrated business management process. It promotes organisational consensus to balance supply and demand. The S&OP process, which usually takes place monthly, aligns operational areas – such as sales, marketing, product development, production, purchasing, finance and accounting – so that they work together to meet financial and organisational goals.

Depending on your business objectives and needs, we can help you implement a smooth S&OP process. This can be done either by taking over project management or by providing you with the necessary data. Whether you are in a high rotation or high-volume business, we can help you optimise your inventory levels.

We can support you at different levels:

  1. Data collection
  2. Demand planning
  3. Supply planning
  4. Pre-S&OP meetings
  5. Executive meetings.

Sales and Operations Planning at Fenix

At Fenix, this is in the safe hands of people with years of experience. Strong shoulders who deal with outgoing and incoming shipments on a daily basis. They know the world of outdoor apparel and the seasonal peaks that come with it.

Fenix Sales and Operations Planning and your business

Your organisation can also benefit from Fenix’s knowledge and experience. Advice or complete unburdening, Fenix is happy to serve you. Contact our expert staff for a good discussion about Sales and Operations Planning.


We provide transportation through all modalities such as air, rail, and road transport.

We can coordinate peak periods with you by mutual agreement.

We work with the Manhattan SCALE Warehouse Management System and Microsoft PowerBi.

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