Bonded Warehousing

Boundless care of all your transport documents.


Bonded Warehousing

We can receive and store products for you in our bonded warehouse. This defers EU import duties until importing into free EU trade actually takes place. When goods are transited to a place outside the EU, import duties can even be avoided altogether. Fenix personnel are qualified and all necessary permits are in place.

What is Bonded Warehousing?

A bonded warehouse is a facility where non-EU goods can be stored indefinitely, without being subjected to import duties and without trade policy measures being applied to them.

Benefits of Bonded Warehousing

Below we list some of the benefits of using a bonded warehouse. Your organisation may also be able to benefit from these:

  • Positive effect on your cash position due to deferred payment of import duties and taxes
    Only after the non-Union goods are designated for free use in the EU Union may they be removed from a customs warehouse. This ends storage.
  • No EU import duties are payable when the goods are re-exported
    If the non-Union goods in a customs warehouse are shipped to a new destination outside the customs territory of the EU-Union, then a re-export declaration may be filed ending storage.
  • Storage and fast delivery from the Netherlands
    Using a bonded warehouse allows you to order goods ahead of expected demand. As the goods are stored closer to the customer, you can deliver more quickly, making the entire order process a better experience for all.
  • Lower import duties by seeking optimal tariffs at the right time
    Our customs specialists ensure that goods stored in the bonded warehouse are classified under the correct tariff code and retain their preferential origin upon entry. This ensures that duties and taxes are not overpaid at import and minimises the risk of post-clearance charges.
  • The quality of your product can be maintained or improved
    Customs warehouses are set up to store all kinds of products for as long as necessary while maintaining quality. Goods stored in the bonded warehouse can undergo the usual treatments to keep them in good condition, to improve their performance or trade quality, or to prepare them for distribution or resale.
  • In a bonded warehouse, your products are safely stored
    Customs inspects whether the space meets their strict requirements for a bonded warehouse. The facility is monitored with cameras and security personnel 24 hours a day. You do not have to worry about your cargo. Customs warehouses are strictly assessed and monitored daily, so you can be confident that you are working with a reputable organisation.

Key Features

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Education and training ensure up-to-date skills and knowledge.

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The years of experience of our consultants guarantee logistical balance.

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Fenix invests in people, modern technology and resources. This enables us to meet all logistics challenges.

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Fenix has over 17,000 m2 of safe storage space at key locations in the Netherlands.

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In addition to providing transport, storage and distribution, Fenix also provides Value Added Services on request.

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Our employees are experienced in various logistics processes.


We have all the expertise in-house to guide you through the customs process. 

We take care of the entire process for you.

We can assist you in obtaining and filling out ATA Carnets.

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